Ahr Flut Stollen 3.0 

We have been baking our traditional Christmas stollen according to an old family recipe at Christmas time for many years. After a large part of our Landgasthof was destroyed in the flood disaster in summer 2021, the idea came up to rename our “Weihs Stollen” to “Flut Stollen”. We are now in the third year after the flood and the proceeds from our flood tunnel “3.0” continue to flow into the reconstruction of our country inn.

You can order the Ahr Flood Stollen “3.0” now and we will send it to the addresses you provided during Advent.

Even small progress brings great joy!

This motto has carried us through the long months since the flood! Even though there are many stumbling blocks on the long path, we firmly believe that one day our home will be as beautiful and busy as it was before 2021 and have also reopened our Landgasthof Weihs on a small scale.

And of course we are baking our delicious Weihs Stollen again this year. 

Our traditional Christmas stollen

 Made by hand – for over 100 years

Weihs Stollen

You can order our traditional Christmas stollen in two sizes, either 500g or 1kg.

Weihs Stollen 1000g

What makes our stollen so special is that the selected ingredients are handmade.

21,00 Euro

Weihs Stollen 500g


We will deliver your Stollen directly to your home just in time for Christmas. 

12,00 Euro

Die zerstörte Küche des Landgasthof Weihs.

Der zerstörte Gastraum. Das Wasser stand bis ins Obergeschoss. 

... noch ein Provisorium, aber bereits Treffpunkt für alle.

Ein schattiges Plätzchen an heißen Sommertagen.


Wenn Ihr ein Unternehmen habt, das gerne mal unseren Stollen als Geschenk verschicken will, schreibt uns. 


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